sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Tracking twitter and TTYtter

I would like to know if a special word appears in twitter ...

I found some tools
but most of them are not free, just 30 days free trial.

But in previous link

  • Track is a little-known Twitter feature that lets you track keywords and have them sent directly to your mobile phone as soon as they’re posted.
It seems really old (2007) and it seems SMS is mandatory?

After some googling I found this
No problem with ubuntu 14.04 to install with apt-get, and configure it

** This wizard will overwrite /home/enrique/.ttytterkey
Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or CTRL-C NOW! to abort.

Request from https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token ... SUCCEEDED!

1. Visit, in your browser, ALL ON ONE LINE,


2. If you are not already signed in, fill in your username and password.

3. Verify that TTYtter is the requesting application, and that its permissions
are as you expect (read your timeline, see who you follow and follow new
people, update your profile, post tweets on your behalf and access your

4. Click Authorize app.

5. A PIN will appear. Enter it below.

Enter PIN> xxxxx

Request from https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token ... SUCCEEDED!
Written keyfile /home/enrique/.ttytterkey

Now, restart TTYtter to use this keyfile.
(To choose between multiple keyfiles other than the default .ttytterkey,
 tell TTYtter where the key is using -keyf=... .)

How to send a track command?
With my first attempt "track" in comand line  ... result is a tweet with "track" text


Trying with "/track word" it says
/track word
*** changed: track => word
*** (transmitting to background)
*** changed: track => word

Maybe is just that.
But how to test it works?

With /track I can't see expected result "Ask twitter to return a list of all currently tracked terms. " but
TTYtter> /track
*** invalid command
*** to pass as a tweet, type /%%


With Ctrl+C I see
cleaning up.
*** you were tracking:

So it seems it is just for that session. Running again ttytter and quiting, it says just "cleaning up."