I didn't have any special GPS application installed in bada, so I just take some screenshots, waiting to the GPS accuracy indication was 0 m.
The GPS provided data with latitude and longitude, with decimals, as well as altitude.
In Spain, there is a web application to see land distribution, and it has HTML5 interface, SigPac
There are several interesting options:
- To see as a vectorial layer "parcelas" (plots) boundaries
- To search for a location: "Consultas > Buscar > coordenadas", where just UTM coordinates are allowed.
There is a "Radio" (radius) option, with 10000 as default value: it is zoom dependent. With a 100 value the zoom value is 18 (maximum is 20).
- Query a point's coordinates: "Consultas > coordenadas del cursor"
With GPS captured coordinates points , I convert them to UTM:
I take a plot's screenshot and with Inkscape, I draw over it the points with the captured coordinates (Sigpac shows on the left bottom corner the coordinates, and I draw "approximately" in Inkscape the corresponding point in the screenshot)
With that, I have a new boundary line ... and it seems the neighbour has moved in some points almost 3 meters the boundary ...
A personal blog with information about programming and electronics projects ... and useful tool to use when someone want to convert between GPS coordinates.gps coordinates converter